Solid-State Light Source Lightbulb

Solid-state light source lightbulb: Light-emitting-diode ( LED ) bulbs produce more light with less energy than incandescents, could potentially claim a lamp life much longer than 10 years, and, unlike compact fluorescents, are free of mercury.
Solid-state: 固体物理の、ソリッドステートの
claim: (当然のこととして)要求する、要求する、請求する、返還を要求する、(要求によって)獲得する、(矛盾や異議があっても自信をもって)(…を)主張する、主張する、言い張る、引く、値する

But they have other drawbacks.
drawback: 欠点、不利益、障害、故障、控除、(輸入品再輸出の時の)払い戻し税

To obtain that lengthy life, LED devices need to stay relatively cool.

And to successfully replace current bulbs, LEDs would need to broadcast their rays widely, yet many currently on the market give off light unidirectionally, like a flashlight.
give off: 発する、放出する、出す
unidirectionally: 一方向性に

Nadarajah Narendran, a professor and director of research at the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and his co-inventors came up with an LED bulb that addresses both problems in Patent no.

8,292,468. Heat is one of the problems with LEDs, Narendran says.

If you don't create it in the right way, you may not have the long life.

Other LEDs have large metal heat sinks that dissipate heat at the base or back of the bulb.
sink: 沈む、沈没する、(…に)没する、見えなくなる、(…に)沈下する、陥没する、落ち込む、くぼむ、こける、傾斜する
heat sink: 吸熱源; 熱シンク; ヒートシンク; 吸熱器

That placement can create a shadow and the flashlight effect, he says.
placement: 置くこと、配置(すること)、職業紹介、就職斡旋(あつせん)、(進学校の)選定、クラス分け、プレースメント

His device inverts the typical design by putting the LED source and the metal heat sink at the front of the bulb, where there is more exposure to surrounding air and cooling is more efficient.
invert: (…を)逆にする、反対にする、転倒させる、(…を)転回させる、(…を)転化する
surrounding air: 周囲空気

The bulb also has interior features that reflect and refract to produce light distribution that mimics an incandescent lamp.
refract: 屈折させる
incandescent: 白熱の、白熱光を発する、光り輝く、きらめく

The result: a long-lived bulb with familiar aesthetics.

The lighting industry is in the process of a transformation, Narendran says.
transformation: 変形、変容、変質、変態、形質転換、変換、変圧、変流

In many cases, the look will not change-it will look like a lightbulb-but what's inside will change.

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