Leg and Head Injuries Are Frequent at the Olympics

We rarely see it happen on television, but one in 10 Olympians will get hurt during the games, if the past is any guide ( left ) . About three quarters of the injuries occur during some phase of competition and one quarter during warm-ups or on-site training, according to Lars Engebretsen of the University of Oslo in Norway, who compiled the data.

Summer athletes tend to ruin their legs; winter athletes bang their heads ( below ) . The causes vary greatly: collisions ( soccer ) , stick strikes ( field hockey ) , high-speed wipeouts ( bobsledding ) . The damage leader-snowboard cross-involves frequent contact between boarders in a free-for-all downhill race.
bang: (…を)ドンドンたたく、(…に)ズドンと続けて発砲する、バタンと鳴ってなる、ズドンと鳴る、大きな音をたてる、(…に)ドシンとぶつかる、性交する

Sailing is nearly harm-free.

Engebretsen says injury rates in most professional sports, such as football and soccer, are higher, although data are inconsistent.
inconsistent: 矛盾する、矛盾の多い、(…と)一致しないで、調和しないで、無定見な、無節操の、気まぐれな

Graphic by Jen Christiansen, Illustrations by MCKIBILLO; Source: Lars Engebretsen, University of OsloSCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINEFind a review of leading injuries in specific sports at ScientificAmerican.


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