What Is It

Crowded sea life : Even after the ocean recedes , water remains in the coastline's crevices to form tide pools teeming with marine life .
crevices: creviceの複数形。(狭く深い)裂け目、 割れ目
tide: 潮、潮の干満、潮流、(世論などの)風潮、傾向、形勢、盛衰、栄枯、絶頂期、最悪期
teeming with: 《充満、目白押し、めじろ押し

Photographer Ted Morrison captured the flora and fauna living along the 40-mile-plus rocky shoreline of Maine's Acadia National Park .
fauna: 動物相、(分布上の)動物区系、動物誌
shoreline: 海岸線

In this close-up view of a small tide pool , Morrison found the flourishing barnacle species Semibalanus balanoides ( yellow ) , along with dark specks of blue mussel called Mytilus edulis and a Fucus rockweed species peeking out from the center of the water .
specks: しみ
mussel: ムラサキイガイ
Mytilus: イガイ属、ミュティルス属、ミチルス属、Mytilus属
edulis: 《植物》アマナ◆学名
rockweed: 低い潮で外にむき出した岩の上に育つ、きめの粗い褐色海藻

These are the three most common marine organisms found on the New England shores , says University of Maine marine sciences professor Susan Brawley .

The best times to uncover these small environments are during the low tides of the spring's full and new moons .