
Is Agent Orange Still Causing Birth Defects

After he was born with a cleft lip and palate and congenital heart disease , Danh ( not his real name ) spent his first month in an incubator struggling to breathe .cleft lip: 口唇裂、みつくちpalate: 口蓋(こうがい)、味覚(力)、(精神的な)好…

Xerox PARC Materials Scientists Print Two Thirds of a Battery in 1 Go

Printing batteries is the future of sustainable energy , according to engineers at PARC , the renowned California-based research and development company owned by Xerox . They recently debuted a cost-saving manufacturing process that could …

Every Skin Cell of This Fish Glows a Different Color

As if the magenta fish darting around Kenneth Poss's tanks weren't flashy enough , under ultraviolet light they morph into miniature rainbows .magenta fish: Nulldart around: そわそわと動く【文例】tank: (水・油・ガスなどの)タンク、水槽、油…

Chickpeas Undergo a Revolution

Ethiopia is an island of relative calm in a volatile region .relative calm: Nullvolatile: 揮発する、揮発性の、移り気な、気まぐれな、激しやすい、変わりやすい、不安定な Last year the U.S. Agency for International Development called for expan…