Every Skin Cell of This Fish Glows a Different Color

As if the magenta fish darting around Kenneth Poss's tanks weren't flashy enough , under ultraviolet light they morph into miniature rainbows .
magenta fish: Null
dart around: そわそわと動く【文例】
tank: (水・油・ガスなどの)タンク、水槽、油槽、戦車、タンク、(刑務所の)雑居監房
flashy: 派手な、けばけばしい
ultraviolet light: 紫外線
morph into: ~に変形{へんけい}する、~に姿を変える、~に変身{へんしん}する【文例】
miniature: 縮小模型、ミニチュア、(通例象牙板・羊皮紙などに描かれた人物画などの)細密画、小画像、細密画法、(中世の写本の)彩飾(画、文字)

Poss , a cellular biologist at Duke University , and his colleagues genetically engineered this line of zebra fish to have skin that fluoresces in all colors .
fluoresce: 蛍光(けいこう)を発する

In fact , each skin cell can glow a unique shade to create a bar code that lets researchers track hundreds of cells simultaneously .
track: (車・船などの)通った跡、わだち、航跡、(人・動物の)足跡、(足跡でできた)小道、踏みならした道、鉄道線路、軌道、通り道、通路

In this way , they can observe in real time how individual cells respond to injuries and close wounds .

As reported in March in Developmental Cell , the team found that after an injury , such as an abrasion or fin amputation , some of the fish's skin cells grew larger to compensate for a loss of neighboring cells .
abrasion: (皮膚の)すりむけ、擦過傷、すりむけた所、(岩石の)削磨(さくま)、(機械などの)摩滅、摩損個所
amputation: 切断(手術)

Others left their original locations and traveled to a new area to patch a hole .

The coloring technique could also help scientists better understand how skin cells react to drugs or behave when cancerous , Poss says .
cancerous: がんの

He adds : This is just scratching the surface .