
Relativity's Influence Is Still Going Strong on Its 100th Birthday

The outer limits of 21st-century physics involve arcane pursuits with strange and wonderful names like M-theory and de Sitter universes.outer limit: ぎりぎりの限界、外側限界{そとがわ げんかい}arcane: 秘密の、奥義の、不可解な、難解なpursu…

Homo Mysterious_ Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature

Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Natureby David P. BarashOxford University Press: 2012 ( $27.95 ) Barash, a professor of psychology and biology at the University of Washington, has written a highly enjoyable account of things…

Produce-Loving Pests

Insects may be small, but they can wreak havoc on the environment or on a country's economy.wreak: 加える、与える、浴びせるwreak havoc on: 荒らす、惨害を与える Mark Hoddle, director of the Center for Invasive Species Research at the Univer…