Homo Mysterious_ Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature

Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Natureby David P. BarashOxford University Press: 2012 ( $27.95 ) Barash, a professor of psychology and biology at the University of Washington, has written a highly enjoyable account of things humans have yet to learn about themselves: known unknowns he calls them, quoting former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld.
account of: 《古風》...を尊重する;評価する

The evolutionary reasons behind such human characteristics as homosexuality, concealed ovulation, female orgasm, play, and social bonding still perplex scientists, and Barash shares several of the leading theories behind each one.
ovulation: 排卵
perplex: 困らせる、当惑させる、(…で)困らせる、複雑にする、混乱させる

Concealed ovulation, for example, may allow women to exercise greater control over their choice of a sexual partner.
exercise: (体の)運動、練習、けいこ、実習、習作、試作、(軍隊・艦隊などの)演習、軍事演習、練習問題、課題

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