Prescriptions for 3 Glasses of Low-Fat Milk a Day Should Be Scaled Back

The USDA, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other august institutions recommend that calorie-containing beverages should be limited in people's diets.

Pretty much all, that is, except for low-fat milk.

The U.S. dairy industry made the Got milk ?

slogan one of the most famous of all time-and standard dietary guidelines embrace that entreaty: three cups a day, less the saturated fat, do well by both child and adult.
saturated: しみ込んだ、ずぶぬれの、(…で)ずぶぬれで、(…が)いっぱいで、(…で)満ちて、しみ込んで、飽和した

Experts are starting to have second thoughts about that recommendation.

Less milk than what current daily requirements call for may in fact be more healthful, and forgoing milk altogether may be fine.
forgoing: forgoの現在分詞。なしですませる、 差し控える、 見合わせる

What's more, even low-fat milk may not be as healthy as commonly believed.
What's more: 上、お負けに、御負けに

The latest broadside against the most wholesome of foods appeared in July's JAMA Pediatrics, in a commentary from nutrition scientists David Ludwig and Walter Willett of Harvard Medical School.
broadside: 舷側、片舷斉射、(悪口の)一斉攻撃
wholesome: 健康によい、健康そうな、(道徳的に)健全な、ためになる
Pediatric: 小児科(学)の

Their rationale is simple: foods with less fat often make you feel less full.
rationale: 理論的解釈、理論的根拠

The child who drinks low-fat milk but then grabs an extra cookie because of lingering hunger pangs winds up consuming more refined carbohydrates and risks gaining extra pounds.
grab: ひっつかむ、ひっ捕らえる、逃さずに捕らえる、(不正に)さっと横取りする、横領する、(…を)大急ぎで取る、心を(しっかり)つかむ、強い印象を与える
pang: (肉体上の)激痛、さしこみ、(心の)苦しみ、傷心

As for the cholesterol-raising saturated fat in whole milk, Ludwig and Willett note that milk fat increases both artery-clogging cholesterol as well as the more beneficial kind, making the whole thing somewhat of a wash.
saturated fat: 飽和脂肪
artery-clogging: 動脈を塞ぐ

The authors' antimilk manifesto also has an evolutionary component.

Grazing animals evolved to supply milk to their young, keeping them close to protect against predation.
component: 構成している、成分の
Graze: (生えている)草を食う、軽く食べる、間食をする

But this necessary closeness stops when calves and kids turn into cows and goats.
closeness: 近いこと、接近、綿密(さ)、精密(さ)、閉鎖、密閉、息苦しいこと
calve: (子を)産む

Human adults who chug the preferred drink of suckling grazers thrice daily for decades may not fare so well.
chug: 飲み干す
suckling: 乳獣、乳児
thrice: 三たび、3 倍、幾度も、大いに

A hormone called insulinlike growth factor 1 that is found in milk products has been tied to prostate and other cancers.
prostate: 前立腺

If bone-strengthening calcium is what you seek, the researchers suggest, you can meet your daily requirements by eating leafy greens, nuts and seeds.

More work remains to be done, but until then, Ludwig and Willett say that milk drinking should not be mandated.
mandate: (選挙民が議会などへ与える)権限、命令、指令、任務、(上級裁判所から下級裁判所への)職務執行令状、委任統治(領)

And there's no need to seek out the skim carton on the market shelf.
seek out: 捜し出す、(援助を求めたり知らせを伝えようとしたりして)〈人を〉捜し出す; 〈欲しいものを〉捜し出す

Adapted from Talking Back at blogs.



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