
Truth in Digital Advertising

The list of gadgets that have been replaced by the smartphone is stunningly long-and growing. Camera, camcorder, music player, GPS unit, scanner, voice recorder, radio, Game Boy.camcorder: カムコーダー Who buys those anymore, now that a si…

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universeby Lisa RandallHarperCollins, 2015 ( ( $29.99 ) ) Exotic entities such as dark matter-the invisible material thought to make up about 27 percent of the univers…

What Makes Humans Special

HALLMARK TRAITS of the human body did not all arise anew in our species.anew: 改めて、新たに Instead they emerged piecemeal in our forebears over millions of years.piecemeal: ひとつずつ、少しずつ、漸次に Many of these traits seem to have h…

The March on Malignancy

For millennia, humans have met their demise through violence, accidents and a fearsome array of infectious diseases.millennia: 黄金時代、千年間、千年祭、至福千年、千年王国demise: 崩御、逝去(せいきょ)、死去、(企業などの)消滅、活動停止 In 19…

Star-Craving Mad

Star-Craving Mad: Tales from a Traveling Astronomerby Fred WatsonAllen & Unwin, 2013Armed with dry wit and a dash of whimsy, Australian astronomer Watson makes difficult scientific concepts such as dark energy, the Higgs boson, and the…

Prescriptions for 3 Glasses of Low-Fat Milk a Day Should Be Scaled Back

The USDA, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other august institutions recommend that calorie-containing beverages should be limited in people's diets. Pretty much all, that is, except for low-fat milk. The U.S. dairy industry made the…

The Spiders That Would Be Ants

Imposters abound in the animal kingdom.Imposters: imposterの複数形。(他人を詐称する)詐欺師、 ぺてん師abound: たくさんいる、富む Peruse any textbook description of mimicry-in which one species evolves to resemble another-and you will encoun…