Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universeby Lisa RandallHarperCollins, 2015 ( ( $29.99 ) ) Exotic entities such as dark matter-the invisible material thought to make up about 27 percent of the universe-do not seem to have any direct impact on our lives here on Earth.
Astounding: 仰天させるような、どえらい

But physicist Randall pokes a hole in that notion by proposing that a rogue disk of weird dark matter might have been responsible for aiming the comet that scientists suspect hit Earth and killed our planet's dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
poke a hole: Null
rogue: 悪党、ごろつき、悪漢、腕白者、いたずらっ子、ちゃめ

To examine the plausibility of that scenario, Randall's book traverses many scientific fields, including chemistry, planetary science and cosmology.
plausibility: もっともらしさ、まことしやか、口先のうまいこと
traverse: 横切る、横切っている、(…を)横切っていく、横断旅行する、縦走する、(…を)通過する、詳しく考察する、詳説する、反対する、反駁(はんばく)する

Guided by her theory about the dinosaurs' demise, the author explores the often unappreciated connections between the tiniest particles right under our noses and the vastest structures that rule the universe.

( Randall serves on the magazine's board of advisers.

) MORE TO EXPLOREFor an interview with author lisa randall, go to ScientificAmerican.


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